Rich Pauloo, PhD

Rich Pauloo, PhD

Data Scientist, Hydrogeologist

I’m a hydrogeologist and data scientist developing scientific methods to monitor, model, and manage regional-scale aquifers, with applications in sustainable groundwater management, agricultural water use, and real-time natural resource monitoring.

My background is in hydrogeology (numerical models, statistical methods, optimization, mapping), computing (cloud computing, sensor networks, open source software development), and physics (mathematical and numerical modeling, contaminant transport). My skills bridge technical analysis, project management, product development, research, communication, and facilitation.

I’ve built physical simulation models of groundwater flow and contaminant transport in heterogeneous subsurface media, open source frameworks for real-time groundwater monitoring, models that predict if a well may run dry during drought or unsustainable management (complete with dashboards to communicate these findings), award-winning applications that bring clarity to massive datasets, and R packages. I’m motivated by communicating technically complex concepts to facilitate decision-making in non-technical groups. Critical management and policy decisions often hinge on the meaningful integration of physical science with quantitative societal and economic analysis, and I enjoy working at this interdisciplinary boundary.

Before my doctoral studies, I taught environmental science to middle and high school students in Yosemite and the Marin Headlands for the educational nonprofit NatureBridge. I spent summers leading expeditions in the wilderness, and in Thailand for National Geographic Student Expeditions.

  • PhD in Hydrogeology

    UC Davis

  • Bachelors in Biology, minor in Conflict Resolution

    UC Berkeley